(2022) Installation, 130 x 120 x 35 cm
Expansion into outer space will likely rely on natural and harvestable materials.  These sculptures consider the future of resource mining. The forms are inspired by the moment industrial and organic meet. Textures and ribbing are included with reference to mining techniques. Materials are hybrids, specifically made to include resources that are valuable when mining in space.

red sand, metal and resin, 43 x 23 x 19 cm
‘Building Supply’ is a sculpture designed to represent objects containing valuable materials when mining in outer space. It contains red sand and metal filings. A combination of casting and carving the red sand and resin mix gives it the appearance of stone. Flecks of metal can be seen buried within the smooth surface. Metals (such as iron, nickel, platinum, gold and cobalt) are valuable when mining in space, as there are high costs involved with transporting heavy materials from Earth to other planets. It is valuable for building, industrial development, repairs and replenishing depleting resources on Earth.

grey sand, resin and carbon, 40 x 24 x 20 cm
‘Fuel Shortage’ is constructed from bituminous carbon and grey sand. Carbon was chosen as a material because of its use as a major fuel source.

White sand, soil, metal and resin, 40 x 23 x 20 cm
‘Food Source’ consists of two material mixes, the first soil and the second white sand with metal filings. Phosphorus found within dirt samples in meteors is valuable when exploring the possibility of growing vegetation in space. A series of rings rippling through the sculpture were incorporated to suggest open cast mining.


Wall Sculpture